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Historia de Cercedilla

Calzada Romana


  Sierra de Guadarrama

Calzada Romana
Piscinas Naturales
Historia de Cercedilla

El Boalo

El Escorial
Silla de Felipe II
Valle de los Caídos

 Cabeza de Lijar


Macizo de Peñalara
Puerto de Cotos


Puerto de Navacerrada

Puerto de la
Cruz Verde

Monasterio de El Paular
Hotel de Santa Maria de el Paular

Boca del Asno


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Ir a la versión Española

Cercedilla is probably one of the towns of the mountains of Madrid, of most popular name. However most of people only know it for their famous Roman Roadway. For example the Port of Navacerrada, be included on the Cercedilla's municipal territory and not to that of Navacerrada.

Plaza Mayor de Cercedilla

If you have time to go for a walk for their streets and you like the religious architecture, you can visit San Sebastian's Church, of romanic style and Baroque plant that it has an altarpiece of the XVIII century or the Hermitage of Santa María of the Head, a building of the XVIII century that was restored in 1955, other interesting buildings are the Carmen's Church, the Chapel of the Merced and San Antonio's Hermitage.
As for the lovers of the Roman civilization they can visit the Roman Bridge of the Realejo and the Roman Bridge of the Station, without forgetting the famous Roman Roadway that is outside of the urban helmet of Cercedilla.


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Ayuntamiento de Cercedilla
City hall  Cercedilla
Estación de Autobuses Larea
Bus station of Cercedilla
Centro de la tercera edad
Entertainment center for old men

Panorámica de Cercedilla
Panoramic of

Estación de Cercedilla Pueblo
Train station of Cercedilla Pueblo
Estación de Camorritos
Train station of
Siete Picos
Siete Picos mountain
Vista estación desde Camino de Puricelli (ruta PR4)
View of the Cercedilla's train station, from on the way to Puricelli (route PR4)
Camino de Puricelli (ruta PR4)
On the way to Puricelli (route PR4).
The old stones are even conserved used in the road

Arroyo Helecharón junto a puente de Santa Catalina (cerca de la ruta PR4)
Stream Helecharón next to Santa Catalina's bridge (near the route PR4)
Arroyo Helecharón junto a puente de Santa Catalina (cerca de la ruta PR4)
Stream Helecharón next to Santa Catalina's bridge (near the route PR4)
Puente del Molino sobre el río Guadarrama
Roman bridge of the Mill on the river Guadarrama
Río Guadarrama bajo el puente del Molino
River Guadarrama under the Roman bridge of the Mill
Yegua pastando junto al río Guadarrama
Mare pasturing next to the river Guadarrama

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